Only by working together can we reach our shared goal to finally, once and for all, end childhood cancer. These partners share our values and mission. They embrace our model. And we all agree: it’s time to leverage the power of data and collaboration to end this horrific disease.
Children’s Brain Tumor Network
Children’s Brain Tumor Network (CBTN) is a collaborative research effort that optimizes and shares data to discover more effective treatments for childhood brain tumors. The organization includes more than 30 member institutions located across Europe, Asia, Australia, and the United States. Collectively, these member sites create the world’s most comprehensive repository of childhood brain tumors, available by request and freely provided to scientists everywhere. CBTN’s suite of informatics and analytics platforms enable researchers to collaborate together in real-time on behalf of all children diagnosed with a brain tumor.
Bridge To A Cure is a member of the CBTN Executive Council and sits on the CBTN Executive Board to push for institutional participation and peer foundation support along with providing expertise in strategic planning and communications. And now, there’s an amazing alignment between Bridge To A Cure Foundation and Children’s Brain Tumor Network that will allow crucial leverage of both organizations’ resources to boost the efforts of all through the Bridge To Cure-CBTN Fund.

Smashing Walnuts Foundation
The Smashing Walnuts Foundation is a leading advocate for childhood cancer, focusing on funding, lobbying. and directing resources to develop better treatment protocols and cures for childhood cancer. Bridge To A Cure Foundation has partnered with Smashing Walnuts and other foundations who share this goal to engage our elected leaders to pass key childhood cancer funding initiatives that include The Gabriella Miller Kids First Act 2.0 and the 2022 STAR Act renewal.
National Cancer Institute
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is the federal government’s principal agency for cancer research and training. Bridge To A Cure Foundation continues to push the NCI Childhood Cancer Data Initiative to fund consolidation and expansion of childhood brain tumor data to develop a model that can be used for all childhood cancers. The impetus of the Childhood Cancer Data Initiative was an October 2017 presentation by Bridge To A Cure Foundation to Ned Sharpless, the newly appointed NCI Director. This project has been bank-rolled by the federal government at $50 million annually over ten years. NCI has identified partner CBTN as the model for building an effective national childhood cancer database in part due to the endorsement of Bridge To A Cure Foundation.

Bridge To A Cure Foundation greatly respects the researchers, practitioners, and institutions working to provide better outcomes for pediatric cancer patients and their families. Your commitment to saving lives is an intense intellectual and emotional challenge that often goes unnoticed.
Thanks to the insight and input of more than 120 pediatric oncologists and other healthcare professionals from leading institutions such as the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Duke Cancer Institute, Memorial Sloan Kettering , Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Cleveland Clinic, and other leading cancer centers, we now realize what our medical professionals need to finally wipe out the savage cells that target our children. Based on their invaluable insight, we developed the tenets of our Action Plan.
These are the dedicated healers that work tirelessly to change the status quo — realizing that we cannot continue to repeat what hasn’t worked and who feel the urgency to implement a better approach to childhood cancer research. To learn more, read our blog article Recognizing Children’s Unsung Heroes.
Childhood cancer remains the leading cause of death by disease among America’s youth, so accelerating the pace and success of cures for childhood cancer must be a national priority.
It’s time that families, neighbors, and communities demand more from our healthcare system, our nonprofit foundations, our pharmaceutical and technology companies, and our government. We know how painfully slowly research has progressed in fighting pediatric cancer – too slow to bring hope to children facing these diseases today. Repeating what we’ve done in the past won’t cut it.
Join Bridge To A Cure Foundation to ensure the health and happiness of hundreds of thousands of our nation’s children. Donate today or click to learn about other ways you can take action.