As a grandparent, I’m always trying to think of new ways to connect with my grandkids—new ways to encourage them, help them grow and thrive, and support them in having a happy, fulfilling life.

SuperClaraWhen my granddaughter Clara was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, I dedicated my efforts to supporting her parents’ tireless journey to find a cure. At first, we dove into research to find out what exactly was out there currently in terms of a cure for cancer. Sadly, I discovered that there really isn’t a viable cure available right now. On the other hand, though, we found a lot of promising research that is on the cusp of a cure.

We live in exciting times, indeed, when a cure for cancer feels within reach!

The problem, however, is that these exciting scientific breakthroughs still largely amount to a cure that is years away, perhaps even a decade or more. For Clara and other kids and their families who are struggling with the disease now, those years can feel insurmountable… yet all the research has been pointed solely at finding a cure. We couldn’t find any institutions working on a way to sustain the lives of these kids who just need more time.

Inspired by our SuperClara, we decided this had to change.

Bridge To A Cure Foundation

To that end, I am so excited to be able to announce the creation of the Bridge to a Cure Foundation. Its sole purpose is to fund research for life-sustaining treatment for terminally ill kids, and it is the first-ever effort of its kind. Presentations by many renowned research institutions on how they would support the effort have already begun and will continue throughout the year.

Perhaps most exciting of all, Bridge to a Cure is a tangible way that all of us who care about these children to put our energy into something that has a direct impact on their well-being. It’s a chance for us to let go of the fear and hopelessness that so often take hold and instead focus on life and hope.

Hope paired with positive action can change the world. Will you join us?

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Waffles wants to share some fun with a young person in your life. This plush puppy is reserved for our generous donors who give $500 or more.