Dear Friends,
I think we can all agree that this past year was unlike any other. Despite the challenges, Bridge To A Cure Foundation has had a momentous year, and I look forward to sharing our progress and plan for 2022.
So let me get right to the point.
Brain tumors are the number one cause of death in children. The deadliest of all cancers. Our goal is to cure pediatric brain tumor cancer by 2030. If we do, we achieve our mission.
Admittedly, this is an audacious goal, since there has never been a drug developed to cure childhood brain tumor cancer. So how can a small nonprofit accomplish what large institutions with the best scientific minds have not? How can Bridge To A Cure Foundation dramatically improve the current state of childhood cancer?
We are succeeding by establishing a network of institutions committed to accelerating access to full data sets that researchers require for scientific discovery that leads to cures.
The pages that follow substantiate how our strategies and plans will accelerate discovery of childhood cancer cures. None of these tremendous strides forward would have been possible without our partnership organizations and engaged coalition of supporters. If you aren’t already taking part, we invite you to help us accelerate the realization of cures for childhood cancer.
Thank you — big time,
Robert Martin
Founder & President

Foundation president Robert Martin’s granddaughter Clara Ely was just six years old in 2017 when she lost her battle with a form of brain cancer. Her remarkable courage and optimistic spirit continue to inspire the work of Bridge To A Cure Foundation.

- Ken & Gwen Asher
- Judy Barnett
- John Bartlett
- Dick & Jan Bean
- Ray & Barbara Beaulieu
- Montague Belanger
- Francoise Bell
- Rose Bertucci
- Kevin Bostater
- Jeff & Colette Brazer
- Bob & Cindy Brazer
- Debbie Burnside
- Tom Callans
- Joe & Barbara Cameratta
- Anna Campanelli
- Charlene Caprio
- Paisit Chittasirinuvat
- Tony Ciampaglio, Jr.
- Dorothy & Peter Cleaves
- Malin & Will Clyde
- Atwood Collins
- Frank & Carol Ann Conway
- Ian Cook
- Louis & Luciana Corticelli
- Lucy Costa
- John & Carol Courtney
- Lee & Linda Crowther, Sr
- Bob & Diane Curry
- Ann Deming
- Peter Donohoe
- Charles & Judy Eaton
- Stan Epperson
- Guillermo Fernandez
- Fiddlesticks Country Club
- Frances Fogarty
- Angela George
- Charles Goodin
- Andrew Gran
- Marisa Guigli
- Al Hanser
- Anonymous Massachusetts
- Ernie Horvath
- Diana Howard
- Patricia Hutchens
- Park Jackson
- Lois Juliber
- John & Elaine Kanas
- Elliot Katzman
- Mary Kazakos
- Kenneth Keltai
- Thomas King
- Cathy Krauss
- Mike Lancellot
- Suzanne Loyd
- Wayne & Barbara Lyski
- Kevin MacGuire
- David & Tammy MacLeod
- James Major
- Vito Manone
- Michael Marco
- Daniel Mariani
- Reuben & Arlene Mark
- Tony & Gillian Marks
- Robert & Pamela Martin
- Tricia Martin
- Thomas Maurath
- Nicholas Maurillo
- Nick Maurillo
- Sam Mauro
- Daniel Mazabras
- John McCarty
- David & Suzanne McCollum
- Bess-Catherine McCord
- Ray & Judy McGuire
- Kevin & Sally McGuire
- Kathy McLeod
- Vince McNeill
- Christine Merritt
- John & Neicey Moore
- Isabel & Steve Moskowitz
- Robert Moss
- Frances Moyer
- Peter & Judy Nance
- Jeff & Tink Neubert
- Tom & Celeste Niarchos
- Jennifer Norman
- Franklin Nutter
- Daniel & Denise O’Brien
- Jon Olmsted
- Terry Palisin
- Jack Pallotta
- Wendy Payton
- John Pearson
- Bill & Meg Phillips
- Glen & Pat Rauch
- Robert Reed
- Gunther Reese
- Doug & Julie Reid
- Michael Rhodes
- Kirsty Robertson-Smith
- Carolyn Rogers
- Jack & Sue Rogers
- Craig Rohner
- Michelle Romano
- Thompson Ross
- Susan Rubino
- Joyce & Joe Schmidt
- Jim & Stephanie Seaborg
- Mark Shakley
- Maren & Frank Sharpe
- Patricia Sheridan
- Martin & Betteann Sherman
- Mike Sherman
- Karen Shulman
- Bui (Portnip) Simon
- Russ & Lena Smith
- John Spatharos
- Charlie Stamm
- Lisa Strausser
- Warren (Jay) Strausser
- Kathie Streep
- Gary and Karen Tapella
- Steve Teitelman
- Javier Teruel
- Peter & Ann Tombros
- Jim Usher
- The Vitale Family
- John & Christina Walsh
- Steve & Sandy Ward
- Mara Wesolaski
- Jeff & Kathy Whitley
- Janice Wilkinson
- Marianne Witdorchic
- Gerry & Jacque Wolken
- Harold & Debbie Wright