I am filled with determination and renewed purpose as I write this message. I’m proud of the incredible progress we’ve made together in 2023 toward conquering childhood cancer, and I am focused on the challenges that still lie ahead.

The field of childhood cancer has been one fraught with challenges. For smaller organizations like ours, those challenges require us to learn to punch above our weight class just to be seen and heard. Despite facing significant funding limitations compared to other areas of cancer research, the advancements we’ve seen in recent years are remarkable. New, targeted therapies offer hope to children who were once out of options. New discoveries are showing immense promise, and our understanding of the genetic underpinnings of childhood cancers is growing ever more profound.

However, we must not let these successes lull us into complacency. The struggle against childhood cancer is far from over. Too many children are still diagnosed with this devastating disease, and the long-term effects of treatment can be significant. We must ensure that every child can access the latest, most effective treatments, regardless of their background or zip code. Bridge To A Cure plays a vital role in this ongoing battle. Your continued support allows us to fund innovative research, advocate for better policies, and provide critical support services to families facing childhood cancer. Because of you, we can continue to outperform and make a real difference in the lives of thousands of brave children and their families. In the coming pages of this annual report, you’ll learn about the incredible impact your contributions are having and where our efforts are leading us in the future. Thank you for being a part of this vital mission. Together, we can create a future without the pain, suffering, and loss that cancer now bears on our children.

Robert Martin
Founder & President


Foundation president Robert Martin’s granddaughter Clara Ely was just six years old in 2017 when she lost her battle with a form of brain cancer. Her remarkable courage and optimistic spirit continue to inspire the work of Bridge To A Cure Foundation.



Ken & Gwen Asher
Judy & Charlie Barnett
John & Candy Bartlett
Dick & Jan Bean
Ray & Barbara Beaulieu
Montague Belanger
Barclay & Scott Bowen
Jeff & Colette Brazer
Tom & Pat Callans
Henry & Mary Ellen Cavanna
Kieran Cavanna
Olivia Cavasina
Brian & Kelly Clifford
Malin & Will Clyde
Frank & Carol Ann Conway
Ian Cook
Cathy Corwen

ohn & Carol Courtney
John Craft
Lori Cullen
Robert & Diane Curry
Bob & Cathy Curt
Jim & Susan Demark
Larry & Dale Den
Ann Deming
Chris & Sheryl Doherty
Peter & Pam Donohoe
Charles & Judy Eaton
Stan Epperson
John & Eileen Faul
Fiddlesticks Ladies 9-Hole Golf
Harris Frommer
Wouter Goedkoop
Charlie & Mary Ann Goodin

Bill & Gloria Hayes
Thomas Herbick
Ernie & Paula Horvath
Park & Sally Jackson
Lois Juliber
Elliot & Donna Katzman
Tom & Patty King
Phoebe Lamdin
Mike & Joan Lancellot
Chris Lasus
Marie & Mark Liska
Susan Lobdell
Kathy & Jeroene Lokerse
John & Ashley Long
Peter & Suzanne Loyd
Austin Lydon
Dan & Sue Mariani

Reuben Mark
Tony & Gillian Mark
Gene & Bonnie Markowski
Robert & Pam Martin
Tricia Martin & Winston Ely
Dale & Marilou Mast
Sam Mauro
Daniel Mazabras
David & Suzanne McCollum
Jim & Bess Catherine McCord
Virginia & Terry McDermott
Ray & Judy McGuire
Katherine McLeod
Ali & Doug Milne
Ed & Sharon Montero
John & Neicey Moore
Frances Moyer

Peter & Judy Nance
Tuck & Beth Nason
Tom & Celeste Niarchos
George OBrien
Lisa Passi
Wendy Payton
Kamoltip Phayakvichien
Doug & Julie Reid
Gail & Ralph Reynolds
Martha Rhein
Jack Rogers
Craig & Lois Rohner
Michael Rohrbacher
Tom & MJ Ross
Jim & Stephanie Seaborg
Maren & Frank Sharpe
Patricia Sheridan

Peter & Mary Kay Sidell
Herbert & Bui Simon
Russ & Lena Smith
Casey Spezzano
Christie & Rick Stone
Kathie Streep
Gary & Karen Tapella
Steve & Sue Teitelman
Peter & Ann Tombros
Paul & Liz Vella
Stephen Wagner
Steve & Sandy Ward
Michael & Holly Watts
Jeff & Kathy Whitley
Janice Wilkinson
Gerry & Jacque Wolken